Yes.Mustache’s Rocket League parody (Elton John’s Rocket Man)

Games, Music

Yes.Mustache has a new song up about Rocket League and it’s a parody of one of our favorite Elton John songs, Rocket Man.

The song plays with the themes of Rocket League all while parodying a classic rock song. My favorite part is the end when the family is trying to get Yes.Mustache’s attention and he’s just “gotta play one more game”. Rocket League is some addicting stuff. This Rocket League parody is so good, it might have you addicted too.

Yes.Mustache is music inspired by Video Games

Games, Music

YesMustache logo

We love music and video games.  Yes.Mustache is a new music project from folks who seem to feel the same way.  Yes.Mustache is a self confessed “music inspired by Video Games”.

Yes.Mustache has launched an official YouTube channel to go along with all of their new video game inspired music, as well as an official website for all those songs about video games.

We wish you the best of luck, Yes.Mustache.  In a world with so much music inspired by video games, you have a long road ahead of you.

Free 2$ MP3 credit at

Deals, Music

Silly Amazon.  There you go again, giving away stuff again.  Granted, this is digital stuff, and therefore may not actually exist, but it’s definitely free.

Go here and follow the instructions (hint: you must have a facebook account).  Share your current favorite song and redeem your free MP3 credits.

You must redeem the credits by 11:59pm PST May 24th 2012.  Blast, there had to be a catch.